Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
Last year, we supported an estimated 62,484 children and young people after the death of someone important to them. This is a devastating situation for a child, but with the right support at the right time, delivered in the right way, we know they can go on to lead full and flourishing lives.
Through information, on-demand services, bereavement support and counselling, we support young people across the UK to understand their feelings, process their grief and find ways to move forward with hope for a brighter future. We also help the adults who are caring for young grieving people including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals.
Our work is only possible thanks to the kindness and generosity of people like you, so please join our team for the 2024 Cheltenham Running Festival – together we can make sure no child or young person faces grief alone.
Sign up today and we will provide a dedicated fundraising officer to help you smash that all important target! You will also receive a running vest and branded shoelaces to wear on the big day.